Cranbrook BC to Ottawa Ontario

April 25th 2009 to May 21st 2009


We left Cranbrook the day after the snow storm .... but the highways were still slippery
Warm and cozy with the Puppies
This is the first snowfall in Lethbridge ... the second we didn't take pictures ... to busy cleaning the slide toppers ...
Still some nice sunsets there ... I'm sure that if we return in better weather, our opinions of Lethbridge might improve????
The Campsite in Ignace Ontario ... we didn't need reservations
Ahhh ... the Family tree research starts
Bird Feeder in Mattawa Ontario
The By Ward Market in Ottawa and the now famous "Obama Cookies" This guy must have made a fortune out of Obama's spontaneous visit
The history of the Market. It is a worthwhile stop ... great roadside stalls for fresh food and many great little restaurants
I was there shot of the National Art Gallery
Lori, Elsie and I at the site of the home for rapacious crooks
Tulips ... Ahhh ... the Dutch came screaming out of Elsie.
The Ottawa Tulip Festival ... Apparently, the Dutch Government yearly send thousands of tulip bulbs to Ottawa in memory of the Canadian Dutch co- operation in WWII
It was near the end of the festival and some of the flowers were looking a little tired, but still a neat sight for even a non Dutch person like me
Ottawa Civic Hospital ... this is where my Mom did her nurses training graduating in 1933
To heck with flowers ... this is a sight!!! 55 cans of beer .... I was tempted to buy several but Elsie quietly asked ... where would we put them ... ever practical Elsie ... sigh
Out for a Great Italian Dinner!!! We sure had fun in Ottawa
Don and I with the dogs Mocha and Gilbert. Elsie and Lori were still on and on and on about Family Tree stuff. Good thing Don and I are laid back???

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